Community Development


Steering Committee



  FET Certificate: CommDev (NQF Level 4)

This Further Education and Training (FET) Certificate Qualification has been designed for people who are either interested or involved in planning and implementing a variety of community development initiatives and processes across a variety of social and economic contexts. This qualification forms part of a learning and career pathway in community development and provides access to further learning within the current regulatory framework.
This qualification will facilitate the development of people who may be already fulfilling a role as community development fieldworkers in empowering communities to manage their own integrated, sustainable development and alleviation of poverty. This NQF 4 qualification aims to provide community development workers with the necessary skills and competencies to create a better life for all. Learners credited with this qualification would include people interested or involved in community development practice and/or initiatives in one or more of the following sectors: traditional, local and central government, social development, youth development, early childhood development (ECD), health, education (formal and non-formal), public works, agriculture, water affairs and forestry, gender equality and wormen's empowerment, victim empowerment, conflict management, civils society organisations (CBOs, NGOs and FBOs, Foundations and Trusts), corporate social responsibility and cooperatives.
This qualification will help learners improve their understanding of their role and responsibilities as community development fieldworkers; it will provide them with the knowledge, skills and aptitudes needed to operate in an effective and efficient manner within the community arena. The successful learner will be able to: apply community development approaches in a specific manner, contribute to the facilitation of a community initiative process, build and maintain relationships in a specific community context, contribute to the planning and management of an integrated community development project in a specific context, and demonstrate understanding of the holistic and integrated regulatory framework impacting on community development in a specific context.

See SAQA Qualification ID: 67509 Further Education and Training Certificate: Community Development for details regarding this qualification and providers currently accredited to offer this qualification.


SAQA FET Certificate:CommDev Qualifications Framework


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